As sort of explained in our most recent class, the second route for our project ("The Business of Love") was unfortunately shot down after about two weeks of reaching out to contacts, hearing from some, then from no one at all. We realized we had no more time to waste on getting in touch with people, we had to start some form of production.
We went back to one of the ideas offered by our peers early on in class this semester, that of love and social media, specifically tinder. Zoë has a contact named Mars, a recent graduate from UNCW who created a card game based off of tinder. We quickly decided that Mars would be our main subject for the film, that would inquire about the relationship between tinder and love today.
An interview with Mars in scheduled for this weekend, Sat. 10/25. Possible location: Cape Fear Games (located on Oleander?)
Now, as a result of additional input from the class after showing our B-roll and interview clips, Zoë and I have a bit more to discuss about the narrower angle of this film. Several good points were made in class, so these are the things we need to consider in our discussions:
- Who is our audience? Making a film about a card game draws in very different viewers than say a film about love in general.
- Who else do we reach out to for interviews and vox pops? We've talked to young adults, kids, middle aged folk, and older people...this entire range of ages cannot answer questions tinder specific, only young adults/teens can do this. We have to decide who are lesser subjects are, and if we're okay with narrowing it down to this single young group of subjects.
- What kinds of graphics/animations do we include in the film? And how long are these going to take given our limited time period?
- What kind of rights do we need or not need to use tinder's name and/or graphics?
- Suggestions for content:
- Set up a tinder date (real people willing? Or staged date with possibly film students?)
- Talk to LGBT club - gays trying to find gays - an important topic
- Students from our own class willing to talk about their experience with tinder
- film people playing Mars's tinder card game -- (also filmed at Cape Fear games?)
These are just the start of the topics to discuss for the project -- Meeting between Zoë and I tomorrow Wed. 10/21 at 1:30
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